Videoasetusten muuttaminen tai tekstin parantaminen Windows ssä | Dell Suomi.How to Increase Brightness on a Dell Inspiron | Your Business
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How to change dell laptop screen brightness.Change screen brightness in WindowsFor Windows 8 Modern User Interface (MUI) Step 1: Select 'Settings'. Step 2: Select 'Change PC Settings'. Step 3: Select 'PC and Devices'. Step 4: Select '. Hold down the "Fn" key. Press the up arrow to increase the screen's brightness. Press the down arrow to lower the brightness. Step 4. Release the. Finally, after nearly a year of frustration, my IT contractor told me to do the following: immediately when powering on the computer, begin tapping the Fn F2.
Hold down the "Fn" key. Press the up arrow to increase the screen's brightness. Press the down arrow to lower the brightness. Step 4. Release the. Press and hold the Windows (· In the Search box type, settings. · In the search results list, touch, or click Settings (App). · Touch or click. Finally, after nearly a year of frustration, my IT contractor told me to do the following: immediately when powering on the computer, begin tapping the Fn F2.
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